Mai F. Tolba
Mohamed Moustafa
The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Object Detection, Genetic Algorithms, Haar Features, Adaboost, Face Detection.
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Evolutionary Computing
Genetic Algorithms
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Soft Computing
Boosted cascade of simple features, by Viola Jones, is one of the most famous object detection frameworks. However, it suffers from a lengthy training process. This is due to the vast features space and the exhaustive search nature of Adaboost. In this paper we propose GAdaboost: a Genetic Algorithm to accelerate the training procedure through natural feature selection. Specifically, we propose to limit Adaboost search within a subset of the huge feature space, while evolving this subset following a Genetic Algorithm. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed GAdaboost is up to 3.7 times faster than Adaboost. We also demonstrate that the price of this speedup is a mere decrease (3%, 4%) in detection accuracy when tested on FDDB benchmark face detection set, and Caltech Web Faces respectively.