Rafael Giordano Vieira
Omir Correia Alves Junior
Adriano Fiorese
Santa Catarina State University, Brazil
Virtual Organization, P2P SON, Risk Analysis.
Enterprise Information Systems
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Virtual Enterprises
In an increasingly competitive market place, the development of collaborative networked environments has become a key factor to companies successfully leverage their business activities. Nevertheless, when these companies get involved in more volatile strategic networks, it is necessary to deal with additional risks that need to be identified, measured, and mitigated through a well defined process. In this sense, this paper aims to specify a method for risk analysis comprising a set of service providers (SPs) in a P2P Service Overlay
Network (SON). In this applied, qualitative and essentially exploratory work, the proposed method assesses the level of risk present in a set of previously selected SPs using key performance indicators (KPIs), and measures the viability of a Virtual Organization (VO) formation using those selected SPs. A computational prototype was also specified and used to execute a set of tests to assess the proposed risk analysis method.