Hee Holmen
Roskilde University, Denmark
AI and Creativity, Interactive Narrative, Interactive Comics, None Player Agency.
AI and Creativity
Artificial Intelligence
Enterprise Information Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Intelligent User Interfaces
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Knowledge-Based Systems
Natural Language Processing
Pattern Recognition
Soft Computing
Symbolic Systems
Non Player Characters (NPC) in Interactive Drama, Façade, are built based on the Believable Agent model. This model is made for effectively managing character behaviour, as believability is expressed by visible actions. Yet NPCs in Façade do not render their 'rich characters.' The dialogues do not respond well enough to express any complexities the characters may have. For dramatic narratives, authors in Interative Narrative (IN) need ways to reveal complex characters. How can AI be used to build a complex character for interaction? More importantly, how should these complexities be revealed to the reader? This paper proposes design contexts for a complex Non Player Character (NPC) for the interactive comics framework, Cyber Comix.