José Cordeiro
E.S.T. Setúbal, I.P.S, Portugal
Information Systems, Information Systems Modelling, Human-Centred Information Systems, Human Relativism, Organisational Semiotics, Theory of Organized Activity, Enterprise Ontology, NOMIS.
NOMIS – NOrmative Modelling of Information Systems presents a new way of think, model and develop information systems. This new approach has its foundation in a simple and specific ontology known as Human Relativism (HR). HR philosophical stance acknowledges the human element central role within any information system (IS) leading us to use observable human actions as the IS kernel modelling element. Using observable human actions is claimed as a step towards achieving the desired modelling objectivity and precision that most natural sciences and engineering have. NOMIS has also its roots on three IS sociotechnical approaches, namely Organisational Semiotics, the Theory of Organised Activity and Enterprise Ontology from where its specific vision and views of IS are inspired. Modelling IS with NOMIS can be done by representing NOMIS Vision with the NOMIS Models - a set of diagrams and tables using the NOMIS provided notation or, otherwise, a set of UML profiles created for it. In this
paper we provide an
overview of NOMIS and some modelling application examples that intend to highlight some new and important concepts introduced by NOMIS. Our focus will be in the most innovative aspects and their relevance to business systems understanding and modelling.