Decky Aspandi
Federico Sukno
Björn Schuller
Xavier Binefa
Chair of Embedded Intelligence for Health Care and Wellbeing, University of Augsburg, Germany
Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
GLAM – Group on Language, Audio, & Music, Imperial College London, U.K.
Affective Computing, Temporal Modelling, Adversarial Learning.
Affective Computing has recently attracted the attention of the research community, due to its numerous applications in diverse areas. In this context, the emergence of video-based data allows to enrich the widely used spatial features with the inclusion of temporal information. However, such spatio-temporal modelling often results in very high-dimensional feature spaces and large volumes of data, making training difficult and time consuming. This paper addresses these shortcomings by proposing a novel model that efficiently extracts both spatial and temporal features of the data by means of its enhanced temporal modelling based on latent features. Our proposed model consists of three major networks, coined Generator, Discriminator, and Combiner, which are trained in an adversarial setting combined with curriculum learning to enable our adaptive attention modules. In our experiments, we show the effectiveness of our approach by reporting our competitive results on both the AFEW-VA an
d SEWA datasets, suggesting that temporal modelling improves the affect estimates both in qualitative and quantitative terms. Furthermore, we find that the inclusion of attention mechanisms leads to the highest accuracy improvements, as its weights seem to correlate well with the appearance of facial movements, both in terms of temporal localisation and intensity. Finally, we observe the sequence length of around 160 ms to be the optimum one for temporal modelling, which is consistent with other relevant findings utilising similar lengths.