Redouane Bouchekir
Saida Boukhedouma
Mohand Cherif Boukala
USTHB, Algeria
Verification, IOWF Process, BPEL4WS, Probabilistic Automata, Model Checking, Compositional Verification, Assume-Guarantee Reasoning Rule.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Process Management
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Formal Methods
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Performance Analysis
Risk Analysis
Simulation and Modeling
Simulation Tools and Platforms
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation
Symbolic Systems
For many complex systems, it is important to verify formally their correctness; the aim is to guarantee the
reliability and the correctness of such systems before their effective deployment. Several methods have been
proposed to this effect using different formal tools such as Probabilistic Automata (PA). In this paper we focus
on verification of service-based inter-organizational workflow (IOWF) processes which support collaboration
and cooperation between WF processes attached to several partners, and specified using the business process
execution language (BPEL4WS). Then, IOWF processes are translated to Probabilistic Automata (PA) models.
More than verification support, PA provides a numerical evaluation of the IOWF process. We also propose
the use of compositional verification to cope with the state space explosion problem. The IOWF behavior is
checked against probabilistic safety properties. The verification and the analysis are performed in an automated
way using the PRISM mod
el checker and based on the assume-guarantee reasoning rule.