K. P. Scherer
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Institut für Angewandte Informatik, Germany
Knowledge based system, rule based design, accommodation system, frame based representation.
Applications of Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge-Based Systems
Symbolic Systems
When conceiving medical information and diagnosis systems, knowledge based systems are used to diagnose failures based on specific patient data. The knowledge is evaluated based on statistical data from the paste and the present information is derived by statistical approaches (Bayes theorem) and analogues cases to interpret the individual patient related situation. An analogue methodical situation is that of the conceptualisation of a new technical system, where the system components with the properties will be configured in such a manner, that a target function is guaranteed under consideration of any constraints. In both situations, the system (human being, technical system) has to be described in a natural language and must be formalised. Based on these formulas logical conclusions can be drawn. Useful representations are formalised knowledge representation methods. For logical conclusions the predicate calculus of first order is used. For information access by both experts and u
sers, comfortable natural language based concepts and the employment of graphical tools are very important to manage the complex knowledge.