Jeremiah Aizeboje
Taoxin Peng
Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Blob Detection, Edge Detection, Corner Recognition, Thresholding, Quadrilateral Transformation.
Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical Engineering
Collaboration and e-Services
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Computer-Supported Education
Data Engineering
e-Learning and e-Teaching
Enterprise Information Systems
Health Information Systems
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Sensor Networks
Simulation and Modeling
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Software and Architectures
Symbolic Systems
Wireless and Mobile Computing
Wireless and Mobile Technologies
Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Modern technologies have evolved to present different ways users can interact with computers. Nowadays, computers and projectors are commonly used in teaching and presentations, in which the mouse and the USB wireless presenter are two of the main presentation devices. However, the USB wireless presenter, usually a laser pointer, cannot simulate the movement of a mouse but only simulate the actions of a right and left arrow key. This paper proposes a novel approach to allowing users to interact with a computer from a distance without the need of a mouse, but instead using a laser pointing device, a projector and a web camera, by developing a novel screen detection method (based on a simple pattern recognition technique), a laser detection method, and an accuracy algorithm to control the accuracy of the movement of the mouse cursor. The test results confirmed the laser pointer could be used to simulate the movement of the mouse as well as mouse clicks with very high accuracy. It could
also be potentially used in a gaming environment.