Borja Ponte
David de la Fuente
University of Oviedo, Spain
Bullwhip, Supply Chain, Multiagent System, Time Series Forecasting.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Distributed and Mobile Software Systems
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge-Based Systems
Multi-Agent Systems
Programming Environments and Languages
Software Engineering
Symbolic Systems
There are several circumstances which, in recent decades, have granted the supply chain management a strategic role in the search for competitive advantage. One of the goals is, undoubtedly, the reduction of Bullwhip Effect, which is generated by the amplification of the variability of orders along the chain, from the customer to the factory. This paper applies multiagent methodology for reducing Bullwhip Effect. To do this, it considers the supply chain as a global multiagent system, formed in turn by four multiagent subsystems. Each one of them represents one of the four levels of the traditional supply chain (Shop Retailer, Retailer, Wholesaler and Factory), and it coordinates various intelligent agents with different objectives. Thus, each level has its own capacity of decision and it seeks to optimize the supply chain management. The problem is analyzed both from a non collaborative approach, where each level seeks the optimal forecasting methodology independently of the rest, a
nd from a collaborative approach, where each level negotiates with the rest looking for the best solution for the whole supply chain.