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Authors: Pino Caballero-Gil 1 ; Amparo Fúster-Sabater 2 and M. Eugenia Pazo-Robles 3

Affiliations: 1 Faculty of Mathematics, University of La Laguna, Spain ; 2 Institute of Applied Physics, C.S.I.C., Spain ; 3 Argentine Business University, Argentina

Abstract: This work shows that the cryptanalysis of the shrinking generator requires fewer intercepted bits than what indicated by the linear complexity. Indeed, whereas the linear complexity of shrunken sequences is between A • 2(S−2) and A • 2(S−1), we claim that the initial states of both component registers are easily computed with fewer than A • S shrunken bits. Such a result is proven thanks to the definition of shrunken sequences as interleaved sequences. Consequently, it is conjectured that this statement can be extended to all interleaved sequences. Furthermore, this paper confirms that certain bits of the interleaved sequences have a greater strategic importance than others, which must be considered as a proof of weakness of interleaved generators.


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Paper citation in several formats:
Caballero-Gil, P., Fúster-Sabater, A. and Pazo-Robles, M. E. (2008). New Attack Strategy for the Shrinking Generator. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (ICEIS 2008) - WOSIS; ISBN 978-989-8111-44-9, SciTePress, pages 59-67. DOI: 10.5220/0001735200590067

author={Pino Caballero{-}Gil and Amparo Fúster{-}Sabater and M. Eugenia Pazo{-}Robles},
title={New Attack Strategy for the Shrinking Generator},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (ICEIS 2008) - WOSIS},


JO - Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (ICEIS 2008) - WOSIS
TI - New Attack Strategy for the Shrinking Generator
SN - 978-989-8111-44-9
AU - Caballero-Gil, P.
AU - Fúster-Sabater, A.
AU - Pazo-Robles, M.
PY - 2008
SP - 59
EP - 67
DO - 10.5220/0001735200590067
PB - SciTePress