Alberto Debiasi
Bruno Simões
Raffaele De Amicis
Fondazione Graphitech, Italy
3D Geovisualization, Edge Congestion, Interactive Visualization, Graph Layout, Distortion Lens.
Abstract Data Visualization
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
General Data Visualization
Gpu-Based Visualization
Graph Visualization
Information and Scientific Visualization
Interactive Visual Interfaces for Visualization
Spatial Data Visualization
Visual Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
Visual Representation and Interaction
Geographic datasets such as international telecommunications traffic, financial flows, trading patterns, and
national migration patterns describe the movement of entities between geographical locations. In spatial relations
analyses the exact route of the connections is not important. Hence, one of the most preferred methods
for its depiction is a graph representation with data nodes layered over a geographical surface (such as a flat
map or a virtual globe). However, a large number of arcs can produce dense visual clutters that make difficult
the extraction of information from: occluded geographical surfaces, occluded nodes and occluded arcs. In this
work we present a novel focus+context technique for 3D virtual environments that interactively distorts and
filters arcs layouts, revealing underneath information about the three aforementioned visual elements: nodes,
arcs and geographical surface. Moreover, changing the camera does not affect the geographical focus of the
lens. In our
use cases, we observed that such technique is an advantage for tasks that include the exploration
of geographical networks.