N. R. T. P. van Beest
N. B. Szirbik
J. C. Wortmann
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Enterprise information system, Model-driven development, Flexibility, Agility, Workflow, ERP.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Process Management
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Modeling Concepts and Information Integration Tools
Symbolic Systems
Current model-driven techniques claim to be able to generate Enterprise Information Systems (EISs) based on enterprise models. However, these techniques still lack – after the initial deployment – the long-time desired flexibility, which allows that a change in the model can be immediately and easily reflected in the EIS. Interdependencies between models are insufficiently managed, requiring a large amount of human intervention to achieve and maintain consistency between models and the EIS. In this position paper a vision is presented, which describes how model-driven change of EISs should be structured in a coherent framework that allows for monitoring of interdependencies during model-driven change. Therefore, proposing fully automated consistency and pattern checks, the presented agile model-driven framework will reduce the amount of required human interventions during change. As a result, the cost and time span of model-driven EIS change can be reduced, thereby improving organiza
tional agility.