Rafael Almeida
Pedro Vieira-Marques
Ana Ferreira
CINTESIS - Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde, Faculty of Medicine of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Access Control, Delegation, Data Sharing, mHealth, Token-based Authentication, mHealth App.
This work describes the development of a prototype of a secure and flexible delegation architecture, to be applied to an mHealth scenario where a mobile app is used for monitoring and coaching asthma patients. The motivation is the fact that mHealth apps are not security prepared and patients still have no trust in using them, on a regular basis. Nonetheless, patients can acknowledge mHealth potential and see the relevance of sharing/delegating health data to others, e.g., healthcare professionals, depending not only on the necessity and security, but also on the level of control they can have over it. This proposal empowers the patient to control, in a flexible, easy and secure way, fine-grained delegation features within a real mHealth setting.