Wasim Alsaqaf
Maya Daneva
Roel Wieringa
School of Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Agile Projects, Quality Requirements, non-Functional Requirements, Large-Scale Distributed Projects, Requirements Engineering, Goal-Oriented Modelling, Design Science, Focus Group Study.
The increasing success and user satisfaction of agile methods’ application in their original context (e.g. small co-located teams), motivated large organizations to utilize agile methods to deal with the rapidly changing markets and the distributed global workforce. Several studies have reported a variety of quality requirements (QRs) challenges in large-scale distributed agile (LSDA) context, so a recent empirical study has identified 15 QRs challenges in LSDA projects. This paper proposes an approach based on the concept of goal documentation to deal with the 15 QRs challenges reported previously. Our proposal, the Agile Quality Requirements Elaboration (AQRE) approach, introduces a new organizational role and a two-step process to elaborate high-level goals(s) into epics and user stories alongside QRs. The fitness and the usefulness of AQRE are evaluated by using a focus group with eight practitioners in the IT department of a large Dutch government organization. The evaluation in
dicated that 12 of the 15 QRs challenges could be mitigated by the AQRE. Our main contribution is two-fold, (i) we proposed a solution approach to deal with QRs challenges in LSDA context, and (ii) our evaluation provided empirical evidence about its usefulness in real-world context.