Teni Purwati
Nabila Rahma Aidina
Ika Febrian Kristiana
Master of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Home Learning, Student Engagement, Children with Disabilities, COVID-19.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on almost all aspects of life, including education. The
education system, which has been carried out in classrooms, has dramatically changed to be carried out online
from each student's home. Many studies highlight students' learning behavior at home, for example, their
engagement, but few studies focus on engagement in students with disabilities. This study aims to review
previous studies on student engagement in students with disabilities while studying at home in this pandemic
situation. The review was carried out systematically by applying the PRISMA-2009 guidelines. The online
databases used in the search were: Springer, Scient Direct, Scopus, and Google Scholar with a previously
defined search strategy. Screening is done by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The articles included
in the review (N=3) also underwent an eligibility assessment. The results showed that school closures and the
implementation of home learning
provided mental health benefits for students with disabilities. However, if
viewed from the side of education, it will have an impact on the low student engagement of students,
especially on the dimensions of behavioral engagement and cognitive engagement. This is due to barriers to
internet and technology access and is related to the low emotional engagement of students. Support from
teachers, parents, and peers is reported to promote better student engagement.