Azis Boing Sitanggang
Febrian Isharyadi
Didah Nur Faridah
Nuri Andarwulan
Department of Food Science and Technology, IPB University, Indonesia
Southeast Asian Food Science and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center, IPB University, Indonesia
CPO, Contaminants, Diacylglycerol, Physicochemical Characterization.
Crude palm oil (CPO) is a strategic commodity for Indonesia. The locations of palm oil plantation and mill in Indonesia are almost spread evenly in almost all regions of Indonesia. This condition leads to variations in CPO processing which may yield in varied physicochemical characteristics of CPO. Physicochemical characteristics of CPO will determine the final quality of CPO for trade. This study was aimed to investigate the physicochemical characterizations of CPO (i.e., acylglycerol fraction, free fatty acid, moisture content, deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI), and total carotene) especially those produced in Sumatra and non Sumatra region (Kalimantan and Sulawesi). These locations were selected based on the productivity value of CPO. The results showed that physicochemical characteristics of CPO in Sumatra and non Sumatra were very varied in terms of those parameters. Most of the free fatty acid, moisture content, DOBI, and total carotene from those regions met the requ
irements of national and international standards. However, the physicochemical characteristics of CPO were not found to be fulfilled by all the observed CPOs, so that the preparation guidelines for production systems and management of CPO processing was needed. Furthermore, diacylglycerol levels as part of acylglycerol fractions were considerably high with an average of 6.73% (3.18 – 13.64%). A higher portion of diacylglycerol in CPO must be mitigated as this compound is the precursor of a processing contaminants, such as 3-MCPDE and GE. These compounds have the potential to cause cancer. Therefore, it requires further mitigation regarding the potential formation of 3-MCPDE and GE in crude palm oil.