Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Author: Emanuele Laurenzi

Affiliation: University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

Keyword(s): Model-Driven Approach, Meta-Modelling, Domain Specific Language, Executable Transferal Management Platform, Reference Model, Application Model, Ontologies, Description Logics.

Abstract: My work falls within the eHealth application domain and it is embedded into the just started research project Patient Radar. The Patient Radar project wants to facilitate intersectoral collaboration within the inpatient sector, also called “transferal management”, i.e. between acute hospitals and rehabilitation clinics in Switzerland. My research aims at supporting and optimizing such a collaboration by setting up a framework which adopts a model-driven approach to enable the creation and maintenance of a transferal management platform. The model-driven approach makes the platform highly configurable to accommodate new clinical pathways and be easily extendable to include additional functions to meet future needs. All domain-specific aspects are described declaratively in application models. Hence, domain experts will be able to create/use/manage application models with no required programming skills. To provide an executable platform, models are first specified in a description logi c and then their elements are mapped to corresponding elements in an application framework. In this way, we will ensure that executable code can be derived from all application models. Additionally, the transferal management platform includes reference models from which domain experts can easily create and adapt application models. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Laurenzi, E. (2014). A Model-Driven Approach to Create and Maintain an Executable Transferal Management Platform. In Doctoral Consortium (IC3K 2014) - DC3K; ISBN Not Available, SciTePress, pages 11-17

author={Emanuele Laurenzi},
title={A Model-Driven Approach to Create and Maintain an Executable Transferal Management Platform},
booktitle={Doctoral Consortium (IC3K 2014) - DC3K},
isbn={Not Available},


JO - Doctoral Consortium (IC3K 2014) - DC3K
TI - A Model-Driven Approach to Create and Maintain an Executable Transferal Management Platform
SN - Not Available
AU - Laurenzi, E.
PY - 2014
SP - 11
EP - 17
DO -
PB - SciTePress