Salma Moujtahid
Stefan Duffner
Atilla Baskurt
Université de Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS and UMR5205, France
Visual Object Tracking, Classifier Fusion, Tracker Selection, Online Update.
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision
Tracking and Visual Navigation
This paper presents a new method for combining several independent and heterogeneous tracking algorithms for the task of online single-object tracking. The proposed algorithm runs several trackers in parallel, where each of them relies on a different set of complementary low-level features. Only one tracker is selected at a given frame, and the choice is based on a spatio-temporal coherence criterion and normalised confidence estimates. The key idea is that the individual trackers are kept completely independent, which reduces the risk of drift in situations where for example a tracker with an inaccurate or inappropriate appearance model negatively impacts the performance of the others. Moreover, the proposed approach is able to switch between different tracking methods when the scene conditions or the object appearance rapidly change. We experimentally show with a set of Online Adaboost-based trackers that this formulation of multiple trackers improves the
tracking results in compar
ison to more classical combinations of trackers. And we further improve the overall performance and computational efficiency by introducing a selective update step in the tracking framework.