Roger W. McHaney
Jonathan Mossberg
Kansas State University, United States
Agent, Simulation, Discrete Space, Wiki, Anylogic, Agent-based Simulation.
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation
Artificial Intelligence
Business Analytics
Cardiovascular Technologies
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Computer-Supported Education
Computing and Telecommunications in Cardiology
Conceptual Modeling
Data Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Decision Support Systems, Remote Data Analysis
e-Learning Platforms
Formal Methods
Health Engineering and Technology Applications
Knowledge-Based Systems
Sensor Networks
Simulation and Modeling
Simulation Tools and Platforms
Software and Architectures
Symbolic Systems
This paper describes the preliminary development stages of an agent-based model (ABM) used to understand
and anticipate changes to Wiki pages. A discrete space approach was used to structure the model. Letters from
words in the wiki were represented as agents which could be changed, deleted, or added based on rates derived
from wiki page histories. A C# pre-processor, called Wiki-Hist-Heist, was developed to facilitate analysis of
existing wiki page histories and provide model inputs based on detected patterns and resulting distributions.
The conceptual version of the Wiki Page ABM was built using AnyLogic. It provided a framework for user-friendly
features which allow easy changes to inputs so a variety of pages and scenarios can be modelled.
Additionally, this project illustrated the usefulness of ABM in this domain. Limitations and future study
directions are included.