D. Biella
W. Luther
Institute of Informatics and Cognitive Sciences,University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Modelling of virtual 3D environments, reuse of parameterizable framework, automated code generation.
Case-Studies and Applications
Computer-Supported Education
Content-Based and Context-Based Learning
e-Learning Standards and Tools
Software Tools for e-Learning
Web-Based Education
Web-Based Teaching and Learning Technologies
This paper reports on a parameterizable 3D framework that provides 3D content developers with an initial spatial starting configuration, metaphorical connectors for accessing exhibits or interactive 3D learning objects or experiments, and other optional 3D extensions, such as a multimedia room, a gallery, username identification tools and an avatar selection room. The framework is implemented in X3D and uses a Web-based content management system. It has been successfully used for an interactive virtual museum for key historical experiments and in two additional interactive e-learning implementations: an African arts museum and a virtual science centre. It can be shown that, by reusing the framework, the production costs for the latter two implementations can be significantly reduced and content designers can focus on developing educational content instead of producing cost-intensive out-of-focus 3D objects.