Jolana Sebestyénová
Peter Kurdel
Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava and Slovakia
Discrete-event Systems, Modelling, Optimization, Simulation, Genetic Algorithm, Distributed Computing, Plant Simulation.
Discrete-Event Simulation
Enterprise Information Systems
Formal Methods
Optimization Issues
Performance Analysis
Plant Simulation
Simulation and Modeling
Simulation Tools and Platforms
Plant Simulation software comprises all the features needed to model the functional aspects of most real-world systems. Specification of complex optimization problem (in sense of many optimization parameters) and its solving in Plant Simulation by genetic algorithm is possible, but it leads to significantly ascending simulation time. The paper presents division of the optimization to two parts: first part of the optimization via GA using distributed computing, and the second part of optimization parameters that will be used in the second stage of the optimization. Modelling, optimization, and simulation procedure proposed for Plant Simulation is presented and tested on a simple use case. In the first stage, the placement of several first aid posts in the area where distinct happenings can go on is optimized, the second stage of the optimization is done using Experiment manager with the aim to select the best solution, i.e. optimal number of first aids in the area depending on additio
nal optimization parameters.