Yutian Tang
Hareton Leung
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Variability, Feature Mining, Concept Location, Top-down Framework, Software Product Line.
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Software Engineering
Tools, Techniques and Methodologies for System Development
Software product line engineering is regarded as a promising approach to generate tailored software products
by referencing shared software artefacts. However, converting software legacy into a product line is extremely
difficult, given the complexity, risk of the task and insufficient tool support. To cope with this, in this paper,
we proposed a top-down feature-mining framework to facilitate developers extracting code fragments for
features concerned. Our work aims to fulfill the following targets: (1) identify features at a fine granularity,
(2) locate code fragments for concerned feature hierarchically and consistently, and (3) combine program
analysis techniques and feature location strategies to improve mining performance. From our preliminary case
studies, the top-down framework can effectively locate features and performs as good as Christians approach
and performs better than the topology feature location approach.