Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Regis Pires Magalhães 1 ; José Maria Monteiro 1 ; Vânia M. P. Vidal 1 ; José A. F. de Macêdo 1 ; Macedo Maia 1 ; Fábio Porto 2 and Marco A. Casanova 3

Affiliations: 1 Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brazil ; 2 Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (LNCC), Brazil ; 3 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil

Keyword(s): Linked Data, Federated Queries, Query Processing, Data Integration, Mashup.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Cloud Computing ; Coupling and Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources ; Databases and Information Systems Integration ; Distributed Database Systems ; Enterprise Information Systems ; Non-Relational Databases ; Query Languages and Query Processing ; Semantic Web Technologies ; Services Science ; Software Agents and Internet Computing

Abstract: Linked data applications express integrated views using the SPARQL query language. A SPARQL federated query is submitted to a query engine that processes it over the distributed SPARQL endpoints. However, achieving an efficient execution of such a SPARQL federated query is hard. This is mainly due to the fact that query processors have little or no statistical information about the data stored at the endpoints. Moreover, the endpoints, usually, are autonomous and unstable. This paper presents QEF-LD, a query engine that enables the efficient execution of federated queries over multiple Linked Data sources. Experiments demonstrate the feasibility of QEF-LD when compared to available federated query engines.


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Paper citation in several formats:
Magalhães, R. P., Monteiro, J. M., M. P. Vidal, V., A. F. de Macêdo, J., Maia, M., Porto, F. and A. Casanova, M. (2013). QEF-LD - A Query Engine for Distributed Query Processing on Linked Data. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 3: ICEIS; ISBN 978-989-8565-59-4; ISSN 2184-4992, SciTePress, pages 185-192. DOI: 10.5220/0004443401850192

author={Regis Pires Magalhães and José Maria Monteiro and Vânia {M. P. Vidal} and José {A. F. de Macêdo} and Macedo Maia and Fábio Porto and Marco {A. Casanova}},
title={QEF-LD - A Query Engine for Distributed Query Processing on Linked Data},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 3: ICEIS},


JO - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 3: ICEIS
TI - QEF-LD - A Query Engine for Distributed Query Processing on Linked Data
SN - 978-989-8565-59-4
IS - 2184-4992
AU - Magalhães, R.
AU - Monteiro, J.
AU - M. P. Vidal, V.
AU - A. F. de Macêdo, J.
AU - Maia, M.
AU - Porto, F.
AU - A. Casanova, M.
PY - 2013
SP - 185
EP - 192
DO - 10.5220/0004443401850192
PB - SciTePress