Juan J. Merelo-Guervós
Mario García-Valdez
Pedro Castillo
Department of Computer Engineering, Automatics and Robotics, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Department of Graduate Studies, National Technological Institute of Mexico, Tijuana, Mexico
Green Computing, Metaheuristics, JavaScript, Energy-Aware Computing, Evolutionary Algorithms.
What is known as energy-aware computing includes taking into account many different variables and parameters when designing an application, which makes it necessary to focus on a single one to obtain meaningful results. In this paper, we will look at the energy consumption of three different JavaScript interpreters: bun, node and deno; given their different conceptual designs, we should expect different energy budgets for running the (roughly) same workload, operations related to evolutionary algorithms (EA), a population-based stochastic optimization algorithm. In this paper we will first test different tools to measure per-process energy consumption in a precise way, trying to find the one that gives the most accurate estimation; after choosing the tool by performing different experiments on a workload similar to the one carried out by EA, we will focus on EA-specific functions and operators and measure how much energy they consume for different problem sizes. From this, we will tr
y to draw a conclusion on which JavaScript interpreter should be used in this kind of workloads if energy (or related expenses) has a limited budget.