Anton Scheibelmasser
Udo Traussnigg
Georg Schindin
Ivo Derado
Campus 02, Wifi Steiermark Gmbh, Austria
AVL List GmbH, Austria
Measurement device, automation system, Configurable Device Handler, test bed.
Distributed Control Systems
Industrial Networks and Automation
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Robotics and Automation
Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems
One of the most important topics in the field of automation systems is the integration of sensors, actuators, measurement devices and automation subsystems. Especially automation systems like test beds in the automotive industry impose high requirements regarding flexibility and reduced setup and integration time for new devices and operating modes. The core function of any automation system is the acquisition, evaluation and control of data received by sensors and sent to actuators. Sensors and actuators can be connected directly to the automation systems. In this case they are parameterised using specific software components, which determine the characteristics of every channel. In contrast to this, smart sensors, measurement devices or complex subsystems have to be integrated by means of different physical communication lines and protocols. The challenge for the automation system is to provide an integration platform, which will offer easy and flexible way for the integration of t
his type of devices. On the one hand, a sophisticated interface to the automation system should trigger, synchronise and evaluate values of different devices. On the other hand, a simple user interface for device integration should facilitate the flexible and straightforward device integration procedure for the customer. Configurable Device Handler is a software layer in the automation system, which offers a best trade-off between the complex functionality of intelligent devices and their integration in a simple, fast and flexible way. Due to a straightforward integration procedure, it is possible to integrate new devices and operation modes in a minimum of time by focusing on device functions and configuring the automation system, rather than writing software for specific device subsystems. This article gives an overview of Configurable Device Handler, which was implemented in the test bed automation system PUMA Open developed at the AVL. It provides an insight into the architecture of the Configurable Device Handler and shows the principles and the ideas behind it. Finally, new aspects and future developments are discussed.