Florian Patzer
Jürgen Beyerer
Fraunhofer IOSB, Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation, Fraunhoferstr. 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Network Access Control, Security Analysis, Ontology-based Security Analysis, Security Ontology.
Assessing countermeasures and the sufficiency of security-relevant configurations within networked system architectures is a very complex task. Even the configuration of single network access control (NAC) instances can be too complex to analyse manually. Therefore, model-based approaches have manifested themselves as a solution for computer-aided configuration analysis. Unfortunately, current approaches suffer from various issues like coping with configuration-language heterogeneity or the analysis of multiple NAC instances as one overall system configuration, which is the case for the maturity of analysis goals. In this paper, we show how deriving and modelling NAC configurations’ effects solves the majority of these issues by allowing generic and simplified security analysis and model extension. The paper further presents the underlying modelling strategy to create such configuration effect representations (hereafter referred to as effective configuration) and explains how analyse
s based on previous approaches can still be performed. Moreover, the linking between rule representations and effective configuration is demonstrated, which enables the tracing of issues, found in the effective configuration, back to specific rules.