Antoine Petit
Fanny Ficuciello
Giuseppe Andrea Fontanelli
Luigi Villani
Bruno Siciliano
Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
Force Estimation, Physical Modelling, Deformable Objects.
Force and Tactile Sensors
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Modeling, Simulation and Architectures
Robotics and Automation
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modeling and Control
Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction
In this paper we propose a method to estimate the force applied to a manipulated deformable object by processing information provided by an external vision sensor, in this case a consumer RGB-D camera. By measuring the deformations undergone by the object through a registration technique, the idea is to retrieve the contact force which minimises the deviation between the measured and the simulated deformations, given a simple interaction model and by employing a fitting process. The system resorts to a realistic mesh-based Finite Element Method model to accurately model deformations, whose elastic parameters are estimated in advance using the vision system and a force sensor. Experimental results are presented for the case of a compressive point-wise contact force applied, at static equilibrium, on a deformable object.