E. Baccaglini
M. Gavelli
M. Morello
P. Vergori
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy
Speech Recognition, Web-based Applications, Open-source Platforms, Internet of Things, Web of Things.
Applications and Services
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Enterprise Information Systems
Human and Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Mobile Computing
We propose an innovative overlay architecture among heterogeneous devices that works on different operating
systems and an application based on standard web technologies that leverages on such architecture to perform
a broad range of functions using audio commands. To achieve this, a secure web runtime platform allows
connecting different devices such as an Android mobile device, a single board computer and a Web of Things
(WoT) sensor/actuator in a secure and independent manner. Methods and functions have been created in order
to capture the audio from the microphone on personal computers and on mobile phones, and to safely transfer
files to a single board computer, in which a speech recognition engine is embedded. Therefore, by recording
the audio command from one of these devices and performing voice command identification using the speech
engine, it is possible to perform different actions previously defined by the user on one of his devices. This
work demonstrates how open sourc
e platforms can interconnect and operate with proprietary architecture in a
complementary and secure manner.