Ronan Killough
Kim Bauters
Kevin McAreavey
Weiru Liu
Jun Hong
Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom
Online Planning, BDI Agent, Risk Awareness, Decision Making.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Autonomous Systems
Distributed and Mobile Software Systems
Enterprise Information Systems
Formal Methods
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge-Based Systems
Multi-Agent Systems
Planning and Scheduling
Simulation and Modeling
Software Engineering
Symbolic Systems
Uncertainty in AI
The ability of an autonomous agent to select rational actions is vital in enabling it to achieve its goals. To do so effectively in a high-stakes setting, the agent must be capable of considering the risk and potential reward of both immediate and future actions. In this paper we provide a novel method for calculating risk alongside utility in online planning algorithms. We integrate such a risk-aware planner with a BDI agent, allowing us to build agents that can set their risk aversion levels dynamically based on their changing beliefs about the environment. To guide the design of a risk-aware agent we propose a number of principles which such an agent should adhere to and show how our proposed framework satisfies these principles. Finally, we evaluate our approach and demonstrate that a dynamically risk-averse agent is capable of achieving a higher success rate than an agent that ignores risk, while obtaining a higher utility than an agent with a static risk attitude.