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Authors: Panos Fitsilis 1 ; Vassilios Gerogiannis 1 and Achilles Kameas 2

Affiliations: 1 Technological Education Institute of Larissa, Greece ; 2 Hellenic Open University, Greece

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Artificial Intelligence ; Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems ; Biomedical Engineering ; Data Engineering ; Enterprise Information Systems ; Health Information Systems ; Information Systems Analysis and Specification ; Internet and Collaborative Computing ; Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development ; Knowledge Management ; Knowledge-Based Systems ; Modeling Concepts and Information Integration Tools ; Ontologies and the Semantic Web ; Ontology Engineering ; Society, e-Business and e-Government ; Software Agents and Internet Computing ; Software Engineering ; Symbolic Systems ; Verification and Validation of Knowledge-Based Systems ; Web Information Systems and Technologies

Abstract: One of the most valuable resources for organizations today is knowledge developed and held within their teams during the execution of their projects. Although the need for maximal reuse of lessons learned and knowledge accumulated for keeping companies at the leading edge is evident, this knowledge is often lost because it can be difficult or impossible to articulate. k.PrOnto1 framework infuses the process of project management with knowledge management technology and provides project managers with concepts and tools to support them in decision making and project control. The tools operate at a stand-alone mode, but, in the context of k.PrOnto architecture, can also be used as components of a distributed system operating at a higher organizational level. Thus the k.PrOnto framework assists large organizations in identifying best practices, metrics and guidelines, starting from individual projects and in amplifying their efforts to achieve organizational maturity and build corporate culture and memory. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Fitsilis, P.; Gerogiannis, V. and Kameas, A. (2006). Extracting and Maintaining Project Knowledge Using Ontologies. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Technologies for Collaborative Business Process Management (ICEIS 2006) - TCoB; ISBN 978-972-8865-57-3, SciTePress, pages 72-83. DOI: 10.5220/0002477600720083

author={Panos Fitsilis. and Vassilios Gerogiannis. and Achilles Kameas.},
title={Extracting and Maintaining Project Knowledge Using Ontologies},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Technologies for Collaborative Business Process Management (ICEIS 2006) - TCoB},


JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Technologies for Collaborative Business Process Management (ICEIS 2006) - TCoB
TI - Extracting and Maintaining Project Knowledge Using Ontologies
SN - 978-972-8865-57-3
AU - Fitsilis, P.
AU - Gerogiannis, V.
AU - Kameas, A.
PY - 2006
SP - 72
EP - 83
DO - 10.5220/0002477600720083
PB - SciTePress