Juha Puustjärvi
Leena Puustjärvi
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
The Pharmacy of Kaivopuisto, Finland
Medication data, e-Prescription, Personal health record, Business process management, XML, RDF.
Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical Engineering
Cloud Computing
Collaboration and e-Services
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Data Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Health Information Systems
Healthcare Management Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Platforms and Applications
Semantic Interoperability
Sensor Networks
Simulation and Modeling
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Software and Architectures
Symbolic Systems
Web Information Systems and Technologies
A personal health record (PHR) provides a summary of the health and medical history of a consumer. It includes data gathered from different sources such as from health care providers, pharmacies, insures, the consumer, and third parties such as gyms. Importing data into PHRs is problematic as different data sources use different representation formats. In addition, automating the importation is problematic as many of the sources are built based on proprietary solutions, and thereby are not able to interoperate with PHR systems. In this paper, we described how the importation of e-prescriptions into PHRs can be automated. In our solution e-prescriptions are produced by an electronic prescription writer (EPW) which functionality is specified by BPMN notation and then translated into executable WS-BPEL code. The EPW sends CCR-formatted data of e-prescriptions into PHR system, which first transforms (if needed) the data into the format of the used PHR system, and then stores them into PH
Rs. In particular, we consider how a PHR system can transform a CCR-formatted data into RDF/XML format. The gain of such transformation is that we can implement the PHR system as an application of a knowledge base system, and thereby we can capture the wide expression power of knowledge base system’s query interface into the PHR system.