Ivan Tomek
Rick Giles
Li Di
Hai Zhang
Jodrey School of Computer Science, Acadia University, Canada
Groupware, socialware, software framework, paradigm.
Communities of Interest
Communities of Practice
Computer-Supported Education
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Social Networks and Organizational Culture
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Tele-Work and Collaboration
Web Information Systems and Technologies
As the use of information technology and Internet grows and as globalization of economy increases geographical dislocation of work teams, electronic support for collaboration (groupware) assumes increasing importance. Yet, there is little agreement on the best direction of its design. One of the natural approaches is partial emulation of physical work space by software but influential literature argues against this and it appears that current groupware follows this opinion. This paper presents both sides of this debate, argues that easily adaptable space-based groupware is the most powerful and fruitful underlying metaphor, and describes the principles of an application built on this principle. It is also noted that because groupware and socialware face similar challenges and have similar needs, a common framework could simplify their development and improve their quality.