Shih-fang Chang
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Digital Rights Management, Software as a service, Platform as a service, Web 2.0, Web Service.
Cloud Computing
Collaboration and e-Services
Data Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Mobile Multimedia Applications
Mobile Software and Services
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Services Science
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Software Engineering
Software Engineering Methods and Techniques
Web Services
Wireless Information Networks and Systems
In November 2002 the Open Mobile Alliance starts to work out standard protection mechanism on digital content, so-called digital rights management (DRM). Then the OMA DRM 1.0 and 2.0 were approved in June 2004 and March 2006. Lots of industries and companies not only use the technology to protect their own media content, but also make sure the content should be revealed and retrieved in reasonable and secure manner. However, the cost and the availability for operating and integrating the technology would be very huge. Therefore, the proposed system is named DRMaaS that redesign the scenarios, those traditionally DRM technology has, with concept of Software as a Service (SaaS). In addition, we preserve the feasible feature to conjunct with other optional functionalities, like storage service and certification service. The proposed system is a work in progress towards an internet service for both desktop and mobile applications.