Soebagijo Adi Soelistijo
Askandar Tjokroprawiro
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of medicine Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Soetomo General Hospital and Surabaya, Indonesia
Cardiometabolic, endothelium, hyperglycemia, kidney, metformin, proinflammatory
Metformin is an appropriate first-line medication, not only for glycemic control, but also in other situations. Most recently, the spectrum of metformin’s target site has expanded to include the endothelium and ovaries. Even if many of these actions are individually modest, they seem to be collectively sufficient to confer therapeutic benefits, not only in cardiometabolism, but also in reproductive aspects related to insulin resistance and proinflammatory states, with promising antitumor and cancer protection properties. The aim of this study was to explain Metformin, Effects Beyond Glycemic Control. In 50 years of its clinical use, there have been no major risks reported with metformin, and serious adverse events attributed to metformin appear to be very low due to some contraindications. The limited use in chronic kidney disease needs to be redefined since many data suggest that metformin may protect against the deleterious consequences of hyperglycemia in the kidneys