Parvaneh Afrasiabi Rad
Svante Edzen
Soren Samuelsson
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Trust Level, Online Social Network, Trust Game, Incomplete Information, Network Parameters, Simulation.
Enterprise Information Systems
Social Networks and Organizational Culture
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Web 2.0 and Social Networking Controls
Web Information Systems and Technologies
The most currently popular method for assessing trust in online social networks is Trust Game. The major studies in this area have established results formed into hypotheses for the effects of a number of network parameters on the extent to which individuals would place trust on each other. However, hypotheses for the effects of a few number of network parameters, such as Indegree, are not deducible since the restrictive game-theoretic assumptions that are imposed into the model do not let any such evidence available. To relax the game-theoretic assumptions, we develop a model for games with incomplete information, based on a game-theoretic model developed by Buskens (1998), and conduct a series of computer simulation of a model of Iterated Heterogeneous Trust Games (IHTG). We compare the results with those of Buskens’ (1998) model and introduce Link-Strength as a new network parameter to investigate. Our results show a positive effect of both Indegree and Link-strength on the level
of trust in a noisy environment. In addition, we come to a conclusion that current models can be fooled by the existing noise in the context of information transmission, such as inactive users in our case.