Nicolas Chollet
Naila Bouchemal
Amar Ramdane-Cherif
ECE Paris, 10 rue Sextius Michel, 75015, Paris, France
Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ, LISV (Laboratoire d’Ing enierie des Systèmes de Versailles), 78140, Velizy-Villacoublay, France
Ontology, Knowledge Base, IoT, Agroecology, Smart Farming.
The global increase in population necessitates enhanced food security, yet current agricultural practices are inadequate in feeding everyone and are detrimental to the environment. Consequently, agriculture faces the task of increasing production while minimizing resource usage and prioritizing sustainability. To assist farmers, new technological tools using AI, Robotics and IoT have been developed in a new field called Smart Farming. Unfortunately, these tools are primarily employed in unsustainable farming practices, such as mono-cropping. However, sustainable methods like Agroecology exist, which involve observing how plants interact with their environment to devise crop management strategies that work harmoniously with nature, requiring minimal resources and ensuring sustainability. In this paper, we propose an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that utilizes an ontology and a set of rules to provide farmers with recommendations for optimizing crop development while adhering to ag
roecology principles. This platform employs Knowledge-based reasoning to correlate crop requirements with local environmental data obtained through a wireless sensor network deployed on the farm. It can suggest crop layouts, crop calendars, detect relevant events, and manage irrigation. Our system has been tested in a simulated environment and yielded promising results, leaving ample room for future improvements and developments.