Pilar Martinez-Jimenez
Juan Luna Rodriguez
Marta Varo-Martínez
Carmen García
Gerardo Pedrós-Pérez
Pedro Perez
Juan Calero
University of Córdoba, Spain
Virtual Labs, e-learning, Engineering.
Computer-Supported Education
Technology Enhanced Learning
Ubiquitous Learning
This paper presents a new Learning Management System (LMS), which permits teachers to administrate the contents stored in the system. It also allows the carrying out of student handling actions: enrolment in a course, evaluations, generation of reports in PDF format or as tabulated data in CSV format, notification via e-mail, which facilitates both the management of subjects taught by the teacher and the learning of them by students, thus obtaining a personalized Virtual Classroom. This project presents some advantages in comparison to others LMSs, since we can develop and include some virtual laboratories as a typical content in the portal, adapting them according to the needs of the user, i.e. the teacher. Particularly, whilst in other tools virtual laboratories can be only linked to external resources, in this LMS they can be directly created, edited or designed within the same environment.