Monika Šimaityte
Andrius Petrėnas
Vaidotas Marozas
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Physical Activity Distribution, Physical Activity Profile, Smart Wristband, Steps, Sedentary Behaviour, Long-term Monitoring, Cardiovascular Disease.
This work introduces a novel approach to parametrization of physical activity profile. The proposed parameter,
named as physical activity aggregation, is useful for evaluating a distribution of daily or weekly physical
activity. The parameter takes a large value for a highly accumulated physical activity, whereas is much lower
for an evenly spread activity over the monitoring period. The parameter was investigated on step data obtained
using a smart wristband on a group of 71 participants with cardiovascular disease. The results of the pilot
study show that the proposed parameter is capable of discriminating among different physical activity profiles,
including sedentary behaviour, going to and from work, walking in a park and being active the entire day.
Moreover, the results demonstrate the tendency that middle-aged and older women are associated with lower
aggregation values, suggesting that they probably spend less time in sedentary behaviour compared to men of
the same
age. The proposed parameter has potential to be useful for characterizing physical activity profile,
as well as, for investigating its relation to health outcomes, e.g., during ambulatory rehabilitation after major
cardiovascular events.