Philippe Thomas
Université de Lorraine and CNRS, France
Cost-Sensitive Approach, Multilayer Perceptron, Outliers, Robustness, Levenberg-Marquardt, Label Noise.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Signal Processing
Computational Intelligence
Enterprise Information Systems
Health Engineering and Technology Applications
Human-Computer Interaction
Learning Paradigms and Algorithms
Methodologies and Methods
Neural Network Software and Applications
Neural Networks
Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics
Pattern Recognition
Physiological Computing Systems
Sensor Networks
Signal Processing
Soft Computing
Theory and Methods
In learning approaches for classification problem, the misclassification error types may have different impacts. To take into account this notion of misclassification cost, cost sensitive learning algorithms have been proposed, in particular for the learning of multilayer perceptron. Moreover, data are often corrupted with outliers and in particular with label noise. To respond to this problem, robust criteria have been proposed to reduce the impact of these outliers on the accuracy of the classifier. This paper proposes to associate a cost sensitivity weight to a robust learning rule in order to take into account simultaneously these two problems. The proposed learning rule is tested and compared on a simulation example. The impact of the presence or absence of outliers is investigated. The influence of the costs is also studied. The results show that the using of conjoint cost sensitivity weight and robust criterion allows to improve the classifier accuracy.