Heli Koskimäki (née Junno)
Ilmari Juutilainen
Perttu Laurinen
Juha Röning
Intelligent Systems Group, University of Oulu, Finland
Adaptive model update, similar past cases, error in neighborhood, process data.
Artificial Intelligence
Biomedical Engineering
Decision Support Systems
Expert Systems
Formal Methods
Health Information Systems
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge-Based Systems
Planning and Scheduling
Simulation and Modeling
Symbolic Systems
When new data are obtained or simply when time goes by, the prediction accuracy of models in use may decrease. However, the question is when prediction accuracy has dropped to a level where the model can be considered out of date and in need of updating. This article describes a method that was developed for detecting the need for a model update. The method is applied in the steel industry, and the model whose need of updating is under study is a regression model developed to model the yield strength of steel plates. It is used to plan process settings in steel plate product manufacturing. To decide on the need for updating, information from similar past cases was utilized by introducing a limit called an exception limit. The limit was used to indicate when a new observation was from an area of the model input space where the prediction errors of the model have been too high. Moreover, an additional limit was formed to indicate when too many exceedings of the exception limit have occ
urred within a certain time scale. These two limits were then used to decide when to update the model.