Nur Hayati
Firyal Nabila
Fathul Lubabin Nuqul
Ardana Reswari Miranda Ningrum
Psychology Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Assertiveness, Sexual harassment experience, Help-seeking
Sexual harassment cases are experienced over time. Annual Note of the National Commission of Women 2017 indicates sexual violence that occurs in community reach 3,092 cases. Sexual harassment victims who face intimidation from perpetrator tend to bury their experience and do not tell others, refuse to seek help from professionals. Most victims do not want to tell the story because shame, fear, and afraid will suffer more, both socially and economically. Victims also feel that reporting their cases may lead to negative public stigma and lead to chronic trauma. The subject in this research is the female student of UIN Malang. This research uses purposive sampling technique of 322 subjects. The instrument used in data collection is the Sexual Experience Questionnaire scale developed by Fitzgerald et al, the Assertiveness scale, Mental Help-Seeking Attitudes Scale. The results showed that overall, there was an effect of assertiveness and experience of sexual harassment on attitudes in r
elief seeking. The partial analysis shows that as the more severe the experience of sexual abuse is experienced, the more reluctant the victim seeks help. This means that victims who get light harassment such as gender harassment will tend to seek professional help, whereas victims of severe sexual coercion will tend to be reluctant to seek help.