Jasper van Leeuwen
Anca Bucur
Philips Research, Netherlands
High performance computing, GRID computing, Medical imaging, Brain imaging, Decision support.
Biomedical Engineering
Evaluation and Use of Healthcare IT
Health Information Systems
Support for Clinical Decision-Making
The grid carries the promise of seamless access to vast amounts of various resources (e.g. computational, data, special instruments, human, etc.) in a reliable and secure manner and at low costs, at any time and from anywhere. In this context, an increasing body of research focuses on enabling complex healthcare applications to make efficient use of grid technologies and remote resources in clusters and grids, while satisfying the high requirements in the healthcare domain with respect to performance, reliability, cost-effectiveness, privacy and security. Our research aims at developing an architecture that enables computationally intensive healthcare applications to transparently use powerful remote resources for significant performance improvement, while being used in actual clinical environments. In this paper we apply our grid-enabled architecture to High Angular Fiber Tracking (HAFT), an imaging application with very high computational requirements. We parallelize the HAFT appli
cation and evaluate its performance in terms of response time and scalability. Finally, we deploy the application at the Amsterdam Medical Centre, in The Netherlands, and validate it (and the underlying architecture) together with clinical users and on real patient data.