Husien Alhammi
Kais Haddar
Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Laboratory MIRACL, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Libyan Dialect, Bilingual Dictionary, Modern Standard Arabic, Machine Translation.
In this paper, a method for building a bilingual dictionary that can be used to translate words and phrases from one dialect to the native language is described. Obviously, dialects and their main languages have many features in common in terms of linguistic structure, lexicon, morphology, and so on. As a result, the method of creating a bilingual dictionary to translate texts from one language into another differs significantly from a method that is used to build a bilingual dictionary for translating dialects into their native languages. To this end, a specific dictionary including some linguistic information must be built to translate dialects into their native languages. In this paper, we discuss the main idea of the method that is used to build a bilingual dictionary to translate Libyan Dialect (LD) into its original language, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). The advantages of the method are discussed.