Carsten Hahn
Sebastian Feld
Manuel Zierl
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Mobile and Distributed Systems Group, LMU Munich, Munich and Germany
Path Planning, Autonomous Agents, Robots, Machine Learning, Collision Avoidance, Neural Networks.
Artificial Intelligence
Autonomous Systems
Computational Intelligence
Evolutionary Computing
Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Knowledge-Based Systems
Machine Learning
Mobile Agents
Robot and Multi-Robot Systems
Self Organizing Systems
Soft Computing
Symbolic Systems
This paper considers the problem of path planning under dynamic aspects. We propose ”Neural Gas Dynamic Path Planning” (NGDPP), a novel algorithm that continuously provides a valid path between two points inside an environment that transforms in an unpredictable manner. These transformations can occur due to both, changes in the environment’s shape and moving collision objects. The algorithm incorporates several techniques: Neural Gas, a dynamic discretization method; the A* Algorithm, a path planning algorithm for graphs; and the Potential Field method, which facilitates the avoidance of collisions. We empirically evaluate the proposed algorithm under various aspects providing performance information and guidance about situations and applications benefiting from the algorithm. The evaluation reveals that NGDPP is a solid algorithm for path planning in dynamic environments. Yet, the algorithm is based on heuristic information, i.e. a optimal result in term of the path length cannot b
e guaranteed.