Naoya Tojo
Hiromi Ishizaki
Yuki Nagai
Sumaru Niida
KDDI Research, Inc., 2-1-15 Ohara, Fujimino, Saitama and Japan
Families, Family Communication, Experience Sharing, Planning, Retrospection, User Study.
Collaboration and e-Services
Collaborative Systems
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Enterprise Information Systems
Simulation and Modeling
Advances in mobile communication technology have eased time and space constraints in communication between individuals. Although communication support tools are efficient in non-frequent and transitory relations, they are not necessarily a breakthrough for communication among people such as families in which face-to-face communication serves a crucial role. To enhance family communication, we advanced a project to develop the tool in a phased manner. First, we conducted an ethnographic study to understand users and extracted insights related to family communication. The results of the ethnographic study revealed that a family who was maintaining good communication planned, experienced, and retrospected family events together. Based on these insights, we created the concept of a tool that combines features of a shared calendar and a photograph album. We iteratively prototyped and tested prototypes so as to increase user acceptability by improving user interfaces. Through user tests, t
he prototypes demonstrated that a parent and child could cooperate to plan family events reflecting their intentions and preserve past family experiences.