Anca-Paula Luca
Sabin C. Buraga
“A.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
Recommender system, prediction, microformats, semantic markup, web interaction.
Artificial Intelligence
Enterprise Information Systems
Human Factors
Human-Computer Interaction
Intelligent User Interfaces
Machine Perception: Vision, Speech, Other
Physiological Computing Systems
User Needs
The multiple ways in which we rely on the information available on the web to solve increasingly more tasks encountered in day-to-day life has led to the question whether machines can help us parse the amounts of data and bring the interesting closer to us. This kind of activity, most often, requires machines to understand human defined semantics which, fortunately, can be easily done in today’s web through semantic markup. The purpose of the proposed project is to build a flexible tool that understands the behaviour of a user on the web and filters out the irrelevant data, presenting to the user only the information he/she is most interested in, while being as discreet as possible: the user is required no preference settings, no explicit feedback.