Samuli Heinonen
Erkki Siira
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland
Public Transportation, Navigation, Mobile Services, Elderly, Error Detection.
When a human ages, the functional abilities could weaken, which can lead to isolation from the society. Applying technological aid for improving the quality of life of the elderly helps them to stay independent and active in their community across their life. This article introduces a system, which is empowering the elderly by aiding them in using public transportation in both rural and urban environments, and helps them in this way to maintain the mobility and activity. The ASSISTANT system provides a simple, yet effective, route info for user and shows only relevant information, at the right time and in the appropriate format. The system is communicating with the user via audio and visual guidance. In addition, it has an error detection functionality, which helps user in case of common navigation errors. End user evaluation performed in Helsinki (Finland), Vienna (Austria) and Donostia-San Sebastian area (Spain) confirms that the service works as intended and helps older people to
use public transport by guiding them all the way from the start to the end of their journeys. The system was found to be particularly helpful on unfamiliar routes.