Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Frank Griesinger 1 ; Daniel Seybold 1 ; Stefan Wesner 2 ; Joerg Domaschka 2 ; Robert Woitsch 3 ; Kyriakos Kritikos 4 ; Knut Hinkelmann 5 ; Emanuele Laurenzi 6 ; Joaquin Iranzo 7 ; Román Sosa González 7 and Constantin Valeriu Tuguran 8

Affiliations: 1 Ulm University, Germany ; 2 University of Ulm, Germany ; 3 Boc Asset Management, Austria ; 4 ICS-FORTH, Greece ; 5 University of Applied Sciences Northwestern FHNW, Switzerland ; 6 University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Switzerland ; 7 Atos, Spain ; 8 S.C. YMENS Teamnet S.R.L., Romania

Abstract: Cloud computing proved to offer flexible IT solutions. Although large enterprises may benefit from this technology by educating their IT departments, SMEs face the risk to dramatically falling behind in cloud usage and hence lose the ability to efficiently adapt their IT to their business needs. This chapter presents the vision and the outcome of the H2020 project CloudSocket. The foundation lays the idea of Business Processes as a Service, where concept models and semantics are applied to align business processes with Multi-Cloud deployed workflows. The proposed CloudSocket platform consist of four architectural building blocks: (i) design, (ii) allocation, (iii) execution, and (iv) evaluation. These are organised as environments that cope with specific tasks and research questions. An overview of each environment is given along with main prototypes that were developed to push the state-of-the-art in the respective field. We show the success of the achievements in current research e ndeavours and how we will pursue the open questions. (More)


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In the current month:
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Paper citation in several formats:
Griesinger, F.; Seybold, D.; Wesner, S.; Domaschka, J.; Woitsch, R.; Kritikos, K.; Hinkelmann, K.; Laurenzi, E.; Iranzo, J.; González, R. and Tuguran, C. (2017). BPaaS in Multi-cloud Environments - The CloudSocket Approach. In European Space Projects: Developments, Implementations and Impacts in a Changing World - EPS Porto 2017; ISBN 978-989-758-311-7, SciTePress, pages 50-74. DOI: 10.5220/0007901700500074

@conference{eps porto 201717,
author={Frank Griesinger. and Daniel Seybold. and Stefan Wesner. and Joerg Domaschka. and Robert Woitsch. and Kyriakos Kritikos. and Knut Hinkelmann. and Emanuele Laurenzi. and Joaquin Iranzo. and Román Sosa González. and Constantin Valeriu Tuguran.},
title={BPaaS in Multi-cloud Environments - The CloudSocket Approach},
booktitle={European Space Projects: Developments, Implementations and Impacts in a Changing World - EPS Porto 2017},


JO - European Space Projects: Developments, Implementations and Impacts in a Changing World - EPS Porto 2017
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