Nicoletta Di Blas
Paolo Paolini
Aldo Torrebruno
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Innovative Learning Experiences, Collaborative Learning, 3D Multi-user Environments, Digital Storytelling, Edutainment, Evaluation, Case-study.
Authoring Tools and Content Development
Collaborative Learning
Computer-Supported Education
e-Learning Success Cases
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Social Context and Learning Environments
Virtual Learning Environments
When “going digital” in the field of education one possible option – typically adopted in higher and adult education – is, so to speak, to “enhance the real world” through technology. Course materials are provided in digital format, face-to-face interaction is replaced by forums or social spaces, exercises and activities are remotely performed and scored, etc. Another option is to create “innovative learning experiences”, that without technology would not be possible nor conceivable. Innovative learning experiences are more difficult to conceive, and also riskier to introduce in an established learning environment: they are also more difficult to explain and to evaluate. Innovative learning experiences, however, have also a great potential: they can generate “excitement” (something new!) and non-traditional educational benefits (still alongside with the ‘traditional’ ones), like increased media literacy, professional skills and attitudes and more. In this paper, we will present two r
eal-life innovative learning experiences for schools: collaborative 3D environments (for high school students) and digital storytelling (for pupils of all school grades, including kindergarten). We will discuss how they were designed and deployed (involving more than 20,000 students, from 3 continents) and what educational benefits they brought about.