Andrew Schumann
Vadim Fris
University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland
Private Health Unitary Enterprise “Iscelenie”, Belarus
Swarm Intelligence, Swarm Computing, Alcoholic, Illocutionary.
There are many forms of swarm behaviour, such as swarming of insects, flocking of birds, herding of quadrupeds, and schooling of fish. Sometimes people behave unconsciously and this behaviour of them has the same patterns as behaviour of swarms. For instance, pedestrians behave as herding or flocking, aircraft boarding passengers behave as ant colony, people in escape panic behave as flocking, etc. In this paper we propose a swarm model of people with an addictive behaviour. In particular, we consider small groups of alcohol-dependent people drinking together as swarms with a form of intelligence. In order to formalize this intelligence, we appeal to modal logics K and its modification K'. The logic K is used to formalize preference relation in the case of lateral inhibition in distributing people to drink jointly and the logic K' is used to formalize preference relation in the case of lateral activation in distributing people to drink jointly.